feels foggy and slow, and your communication unclear
feels run-down, and your digestive system out of whack
with painful, irregular periods, or intense mood swings
life on a daily basis, because the energy is simply not there
feel disconnected from your loved ones, because you’re too exhausted or irritable to engage with them in meaningful ways
It’s time to consider your whole-body health from a new, empowering perspective.
Your body has a message for you, its trying to tell you something important — and it holds the key to your true, sustainable health.
Let’s listen together and dive into understanding what it is trying to say.

Hi! I’m Dr. Natalie Groenewoud ND.
I’m a Naturopathic Doctor and I work with modern, busy women who want to say goodbye to burnout, exhaustion, and illness, and instead tap into a deep inner well of health that nourishes every facet of their life.
In our work together, we look at the many dynamic components of your being and how they function as a whole. Our treatment plan, personalized for who you uniquely are, will offer the support and structure you need to establish the thoughts, habits, and lifestyle that will encourage your greatest wellbeing in the long-term.
Illness begins as a little whisper we ignore, that grows louder and louder the longer we try to drown it out. Perhaps your body has a message about something in your life — a habit, thought pattern, relationship, or unhealed trauma — that’s doing you a disservice, and siphoning your life force.
The most common way I see my patients avoid that message — and the way that I avoided it for many years, too — is by doing, pushing, and avoiding: striving for excellence to prove ourselves, without taking space for restoration and true self-care.
Through illness, pain, and dysregulation, your body is attempting to call your attention and energy back to what matters most: your own nourishment, and your own innate worthiness.
It’s time to understand that a vital part of your healthcare is courageously giving yourself the space to feel your emotions, to rest your body, and to turn your awareness toward the things you’ve been looking away from.

Are you ready to answer your body’s call?
Everything you need for this flourishing is already inside of you.

My role as your Naturopathic Doctor is to guide you as you unearth it, creating a space for you to come home to the whole-body wellness that is your birthright.

My goal is to help each one of my patients create a deep, sustainable sense of well-being. It’s the kind of well-being that offers the vitality to show up to your relationships, your work, your play — and most importantly, to yourself — with joy, energy, and enthusiasm.
This kind of health is waking up each morning feeling deeply rested, and excited for the day ahead.
It’s finding ease and balance in your body’s cyclical seasons: feeling generously resourced as you move through periods of rest and receiving, and of output and offering.
It’s the felt sense of freedom and the loving, easeful connection to your body that happens when you put your own self first.
This is why your flourishing matters.
When you learn to prioritize your restoration, to lean on others and receive their support, and to put your own body’s needs before anything else — something miraculous happens.
Not only do we finally heed the messages our bodies have been trying to tell us through illness and dysregulation — and finally being cultivating true freedom, ease, and balance in our lives —
But we also model a whole new way of showing up for life. We begin creating a culture where we are encouraged to rest, receive, and restore — so that we can give generously, to ourselves and the people in our life, from an overflowing cup. (Not because we should, but because we want to and it feels good!)
“The Modern Day Woman is Exhausted: Let’s Redefine What it Means to be Her”
Dr. Natalie Groenewoud ND
To all the Women out there who can relate to being tired, being burnt out, being over run or simply run over. By the job, by the kids, by the spouse, by the house, by the deadlines, by the expectations, by the obligations, by the exhausting list that never gets done. To all the Women out there whose body has kept the score when she was too busy to listen. To the Women with those tired eyes and heavy shoulders long for the days when she felt “Well.” For the Women who are ready to breathe life back into their bones … This book is for you. We see you and we hear you, because we are you.
I’m thrilled you are ready to spend some time here for you. Above anything, what you’ll find on these pages is a way back to what you’re missing. Your Self. That old self you still get glimpses of every once in a while in old photos. The Self you feel nostalgic for. The Self who laughs at bad jokes, stays up too late just because, and feels inspired by nature. Remember her? Remember how simple it was to access joy? Remember how effortless it was to be happy? Remember when life didn’t feel so serious, how spontaneous you were…
I want you to know that life is still in there. And we’re going to go on a journey to breathe life back into every nook and cranny of who you are.
How do I know what you need? Because I’ve been right where you are. Wishing I could feel something, anything, other than exhaustion. And I know with certainty that you have started reading this book for one of two reasons. Either you completely identified with the woman on my book cover – heck, you probably took one look at her and said, “Holy fuck, that’s me!” You proceeded to put your hands over your eyes, lower your already heavy head and say, “How did I end up here? And worse yet, how do I make it stop?”
Or…you saw the word EXHAUSTED in big, bold, capital letters screaming at you like the bully in 6th grade calling you names. “Exhausted!!” Like it’s the part of you you just can’t escape. No matter what you do these days, you’re fucking tired. And somehow, reading the word in bold letters feels like a face smacking realization that you’re truly at your wits end, teetering on the edge of becoming a non-functioning human being. Forget the “thriving woman”. You’re barely hanging on with a thread. You’ve been to multiple doctors with no answers in sight, your lab work is in range, and they don’t know what to do with you. You saw this book as a last ditch effort to help yourself, as you so desperately want to be healthy for your loved ones. And as you realize through this process how important it is to prioritize self to be helpful for others that your focus shifts. You want to be healthy for YOU.
You want to feel alive for YOU.
You want to feel energized for YOU.
You want to feel awake in your skin for YOU.
You want to feel your brain turned on for YOU.
You want to feel joyful for YOU.
You want to feel the zest for life for YOU.
This book is for you. And most importantly? This book is for your future Self who is going to feel like herself again. This book is that road map back to that healthy vibrant self you remember.